Buy Hunza Walnuts From Hunza Bazar

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Benefits of Walnuts Akhrot?

Walnut maybe a hard nut to crack but its health benefits are worth the effort. The newest buzz in the world of health care is Omega-3 and walnuts deliver just that. The Omega-3 content in walnuts is significantly higher when compared to other nuts. The Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts are heart-friendly and are proven to lower LDL cholesterol. Walnut boasts of an array of health benefits. This wonder nut is the richest source of plant protein which is highly recommended for a vegetarian diet which is low in protein. USDA research show that even a simple habit of adding seven to nine walnuts to the daily diet improves memory. (Read: Benefits of Soft Almonds)

37% of heart disease risk is lowered when people consume nuts more than 4 times per week. Polyphenols and antioxidants in walnuts help in fortifying neural connections and improve cognitive skills. Walnuts are a rich source of Vitamin B, antioxidants, Omega-3, fiber, and Vitamin E. Walnuts are tasty and crunchy nuts and easy to incorporate in your diet. (Read: White Mulberry benefits)

But you should not get carried away by numerous health benefits because they are also high in calories. So instead of mindlessly adding it to your diet, it is wiser to swap walnuts with high-calorie foods. So instead of eating meat or cheese, you have a healthier option of having walnuts instead. Add it to your breakfast cereal or sprinkle it on your salad, use it in homemade cakes and biscuits or have them roasted; when it comes to walnut you are spoilt for choice. Doctors recommend you to consume 1.5oz on a daily basis, these sums up to 20 halves of the nut. If you want to get More Benefits of Walnuts then visit